We Are Happy To Offer Installation Services By Qualified & Insured Tradespeople
Garages & Sheds
From digging to drywall, we take care of your whole shed or garage. We'll help you with color & style, the material package & discuss options on bases & foundations.
Kitchens & Baths
`Kitchen & Bath projects can be as simple as you like or a complete tear out & renovation. We handle all the required trades & provide the right material for you!
New Homes & Cottages
Build your dream home or cottage with us. We truly have the whole package, materials, excavation, concrete, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, heating, landscaping & paving. Let us show you how a custom home should be built!
Siding & Roofing
The best roofing & siding selection! Vinyl, Steel, Cement, Engineered & Wood siding choices. Dozens of Asphalt & steel roofing choices
Windows & Doors
Windows & doors offer energy efficiency with style & beauty and can positively impact the whole look of your home or business.
Decks & Fences
Docks & Marine
Deck & fence projects are more popular than ever! Make your outdoor living dreams come true with all the latest in material technology designed to stand up for a lifetime.
Nova Scotia is home to hundreds of lakes & rivers. Let us help you make the most of your water access with a new dock or some new dock hardware.
Flooring, Trim & Doors
Fireplace Finishes
Change the entire look of your home with new flooring, trim, doors & more! We offer many styles of product designed to give you years of durability, beauty & satisfaction to your home.
We partner with some of the best fireplace installers in the province to bring your design dreams to life. Fireplaces add warmth & value to your home for years to come!